Do you love making lists as much as I do? I mean it makes your life so much easier and structured and makes sure you don’t forget anything important. In this blog post, I talk about 10 lists to make in order to organize your business.
Ready to make some lists?
Let’s go!
Other Reads:
- How To Organize Your Whole Business In One Single Notebook
- Overcoming Perfectionism: 7 Steps to Silence Your Inner Perfectionist
- 12 mistakes you are probably making that are killing your productivity
- Losing Motivation? 7 Bullet-Proof Ways To Regain Your Passion And Stay Motivated In Your Business
- 3 Key Mindset Shifts To Stop Letting Fear And Anxiety Sabotage Your Success
- How I Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed As A Solopreneur: 3 Simple Steps

#1. ‘Tasks to outsource’ list
When growing and scaling your business, eventually you just can’t do EVERYTHING by yourself anymore. You just have 2 hands and 24 hours in a day, so in order to continue growing, you have to start outsourcing tasks to keep your sanity and your work-life balance.
That’s why I like to keep a running list of things that I eventually would like to outsource, so that when the time comes, I don’t feel overwhelmed.
It doesn’t only motivate you, to know that later on, you won’t have to worry about these tasks anymore, but it’s also a great exercise to create more awareness.
So make a list of the things you would love to outsource (in the future). These are typically:
- The tasks you don’t like doing
- The tasks you are not that good at
- The tasks that just take up too much time in your business
- Mundane and monotonous tasks
#2. ‘Tasks to continue doing yourself’ list
On the other side, make a list of the tasks that you absolutely don’t want to outsource and want to continue doing yourself.
These are typically:
- The tasks that you LOVE doing
- The tasks you’re very good at
- High-level tasks that you just have to do, as CEO of your business.
- Interesting projects or tasks that you would like to take on, once you have more time in your business (by outsourcing other tasks)
#3. ‘Non-negotiable Growth Tasks’ List
I like to keep a list of tasks and activities that either bring in profit or grow my business (such as creating freebies, growing my email list, writing a sales page, creating digital products, working on the creation of a digital course, researching how to obtain an extra income stream,… etc.)
I choose one every day and do them first thing when my workday starts, and treat them as my non-negotiables, in that way I know that even though I can’t finish my whole to-do list, it isn’t the end of the world because I know my business is still growing every single day.
#4. ‘Tasks that only take up less than 10 minutes’ list
This list is perfect for all these moments in your day when you only have a few minutes, you’re waiting in the waiting room for an appointment, you’re on the bus or train, in between calls,… etc.
Most of the time, you’re just mindlessly scrolling through your social media feed, because it just isn’t worth it to start a whole new task, that’s where this list comes into handy because it allows you to just quickly pick a mini task and don’t waste this time.
Maybe you can quickly take the time to write a social media caption, engage actively with your community, answer an e-mail or clean up your notes app.
In the end, all those little tasks can build up to hours of work. So doing these little things throughout the week whenever you have an otherwise ‘useless’ moment, can really allow you to save a lot of time.
#5. ‘Courses, books & podcasts’ list
Did it already happen to you too that one moment, you see this amazing book you would love to read, but then you forget about it, and the next time you want to pick a new book to read, you just can’t come up with one?
That’s why I love to keep a running list of all podcasts to listen to, books to read, and courses to follow once I have the time.

#6. ‘New (business) habits to implement and bad (business) habits to break’ list
Every single month I pick 1 new habit to implement or 1 bad habit to break.
When habit-building or breaking, it’s absolutely key to only pick only one at a time, otherwise you are just distributing your focus too much between several ones and end up implementing no change at all.
So whenever I notice a bad habit I have or I have an idea of a good one I would like to implement (a business-related one or a personal one), I write it on this list for later reference.
#7. ‘Blog post topic ideas’ list
Whenever you have an idea about a topic you can write a blog post about, WRITE IT DOWN.
It doesn’t matter how silly your idea is, consistently capturing inspiration and ideas and writing them down can save you so much time for those moments you don’t have any inspiration at all.
#8. ‘Content that went viral’ list
It can be also valuable to keep a running list of all your pieces of content that went viral, it doesn’t matter if it was a pin, a social media post, an IG story, or reel where you had a lot of response on, a new blog post, a tweet, a Youtube video, a podcast episode,…
Figure out why it is, that this piece of content did so great.
- What type of content was it? Engaging? Inspirational? Educational? Personal?
- What call to action did you use?
- If applicable, what kind of graphic did you use?
- What topic was it about?
Write it all down on your list. After doing this consistently, you may notice patterns.
#9. ‘Self-affirmations’ list
Self-affirmations are KEY since they train your brain into changing limiting beliefs to self-assuring ones when done consistently.
So I love to keep a running list whenever I notice a limiting belief popping up, I try to find a way to convert this to an affirmation and write it down on my list, so I can use this to replace this limiting belief.
#10. ‘Weekly, monthly and yearly goals’ list
It’s also essential to have your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals close by hand, to remind you of the big picture and remind you of what you’re working towards in the long run.
Other Reads:
- How To Organize Your Whole Business In One Single Notebook
- Overcoming Perfectionism: 7 Steps to Silence Your Inner Perfectionist
- 12 mistakes you are probably making that are killing your productivity
- Losing Motivation? 7 Bullet-Proof Ways To Regain Your Passion And Stay Motivated In Your Business
- 3 Key Mindset Shifts To Stop Letting Fear And Anxiety Sabotage Your Success
- How I Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed As A Solopreneur: 3 Simple Steps

This round up 10 lists to make for organizing your business!
Let’s Chat!
Which lists do you make in your business?
I’m a huge list maker. My Notes app is full of lists — books to read, blog post ideas, goals, travel bucket list, restaurants to try, etc.
Thanks! this has really helped me today!
Oh I love a good list! This is a great post to help gain focus on what I should devote my attention to and what to stop doing xx
Lists make life so much easier. I use lists for everything. Thank you for this list of lists. I have some of these lists already in place and I am working on creating a few others.
I am severely overdue for outsourcing some tasks. Thank you for the friendly reminder.
I love lists and organization! This post was really helpful for me!
This is so helpful! I already make some of these lists, but cannot wait to try the ones I’ve been missing out on 🙂
This is a great list! I love number one and plan on implementing that advice! I am a terrible at being the person who just wants to do it all and ends up getting stretched thin!
I love making lists so this was a paradise! I especially like #5, I actually started doing that about 2 years ago and it has helped me so much in staying consistent with my reading! 🙂
I love that you included affirmations! That one simple habit has really transformed my mindset around my business.
I LOVE liars, and I’m definitely adding two more for myself – the “tasks to outsource” and the “books, podcasts, and courses” list.
Thank you for another stunning write-up, Tascha!
Love this list!!! I just start with Trello and I am definitely adding some of these. #3‘Non-negotiable Growth Tasks’ List
is a priority for me. If it works well I need to do more of it. Great post.
I am going to create some of these lists now
I love lists. This is a great post. I’m revising my list categories as we speak.