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Why You Should Follow Your Own Path

own path
I'm Tascha

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So, I wanted to discuss a topic today which I have been thinking about a lot, and find really important, which is following your own path and not letting other people’s ideas and expectations come in between that.

There exist these strong norms and expectations about how we should live our lives the right way: at what age we should marry, when we should have kids, that we should buy a house directly instead of renting for too long, that we should get a good education, but also not study for too long, that having a high salary is more important than being happy with your job, that we can basically only enjoy our lives and travel when we are retired.

And the sad thing is, that most of us just follow these templates blindly, without even questioning them.’ It’s like our whole lives are already planned out and scheduled from the moment we are born.

And I notice that so many people in my life are actually unhappy with their lives and career, but it doesn’t even come to their minds that they can actually quit and do something they truly like. Even worse, in many cases, they don’t even know what they like and don’t like. They never really asked themselves that question. They aren’t even aware that THEY are in charge of their own lives and can choose what to do with it.

And I mean, of course, there are people that actually just want to have a family, have a cozy home where they can feel safe, and a decent job that allows them to provide for their family and live comfortably. If they are genuinely happy with this kind of lifestyle, then perfect, that’s amazing for them.

own path

I’m talking about the kind of people that want more for their lives, that secretly have these dreams to travel and discover the world, start their own businesses, and currently feel stuck in their lives and hate their jobs, but just don’t want to take any action because they are so scared of what others might think of them, that they would judge them and be disappointed in them.

I mean, I’m not telling you that they won’t judge you and that they won’t tell you that it’s too risky, that the stakes are too high.

I’m just telling you that you should do it anyway.

I’m just telling you that other people’s ideas, opinions, and expectations shouldn’t have the power to determine your happiness.

I’m just telling you that you should never postpone your happiness into the far future.

I’m just telling you that you should follow your dreams and take action right in this very moment.

Life is too short to live a life that it’s not aligned with who you are and who you want to be.

In order to take away that power that other people’s opinions and judgment have over you, it’s important to understand the reason why people tend to judge you when you are taking another path in the first place. This judgment just comes from the resistance they feel of you questioning and challenging their template of living as well. When you take another path and succeed in doing so, this would mean that it’s doesn’t make sense for them to suffer this lifestyle that they also don’t enjoy, and that’s painful for them to realize. Hence, they prefer that you fail, or in any case, trying to prevent you from taking this path, so they don’t have to make this painful realization.

And when you end up pushing through and when you are living your dream life, feeling truly aligned and genuinely happy, then typically these people that used to judge you, will now come to you for advice.

So what I want you to do, is ask yourself one question, and I want you to answer it completely honest and without any filter:

What is it that you have always wanted to do with your life, but you just didn’t take any action because you were too scared of what other people might think of you?

I want you to truly hone in and listen to yourself with presence and compassion, and make yourself the promise and the commitment to show up for yourself and take your dreams seriously.

own path

Because if you don’t take your dreams seriously, then nobody will.

So tune in with your intuition, follow your gut feeling and create the kind of lifestyle that you truly desire.

Your future self will be eternally grateful.

Because in the end, when you are old and about to die, then you won’t regret having tried, however, what you will regret are the dreams that you didn’t chase and the decisions you didn’t dare to take.

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  1. Bao Ngoc says:

    Great article. Thank you.

  2. Jo says:

    Such a good article! I totally agree – what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. There’s a society of “hustle hustle hustle” but that’s not what I want – I am more of a “just enough” kind of person and am trying to mould my life to be like that. It’s not for everyone but it works for me!

  3. Kimberlie says:

    Sense of self and purpose is key in being able to make the best decisions, especially to seek out and travel your own path.

  4. Great article! I personally needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Jenny says:


  6. My brother always said, “An unwritten goal is merely a wish.” We need to write our goals down and then put them into action.

  7. Scout says:

    I love this! No one lives your life but you. Thank you for writing this!!!

  8. Michelle says:

    Very well written. We tend to be afraid of what others think and then we end up unhappy because we didn’t follow our heart or dream.

  9. Aditi Jain says:

    I love this article. It’s you who is going to love your life. Why not live it to the fullest!

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