I feel like there are many misconceptions about what minimalism truly is. Minimalism isn’t about no longer being able to go shopping, or having to get rid of your huge book collection that you absolutely love. It isn’t about having this empty, boring interior style. And it’s definitely not about having to trash those pictures that have an enormous emotional value to you. What minimalism is all about, is being surrounded by all the things you absolutely LOVE and that bring you joy. When it comes to your biz, applying these same principles can be helpful to create a minimalist business, that is easier to run.
If you have so much stuff cluttering your space that you don’t actually need and love, it’s sometimes very difficult to see the things that you do love.
I mean, you can’t even find your favorite sweater, because it’s at the bottom of the closet covered with all these other pieces of clothing that you never wear.
I don’t know about you, but clutter just gives me stress…
Having so much stuff…
- Makes it difficult to keep your space organized and neat
- Gives your brain so many signals, which makes it difficult to get into a peaceful headspace
- Causes decision fatigue, because you constantly have so many options to choose from
- Makes you lose so much time and energy
- Makes it hard to find things
Now… imagine ONLY having stuff that you absolutely love. Every single piece of clothing you own doesn’t only fit perfectly, but also just brings you joy wearing it. It’s SO easy to pick an outfit because it doesn’t really matter what you choose, you know you will love it anyway.
Your home now brings you a sense of peace and joy.
For a while now, I have been trying to embrace minimalism in my life and home, but recently I started applying the same principles in my business as well.
That’s why today, I want to share 5 easy tips to create more simplicity and minimalism within your biz so that it becomes easier and more fun to manage.
Related Reads:
- How To Create An Aligned Business
- Finding Your Why: 3 Clarity Exercises You Need To Try
- The Subtle Art Of Slow Living

1. In order to create a minimalist business, try to limit the information you consume
A first step that you can take in order to create a minimalist business is limiting the information you consume on daily basis.
Especially as digital business owners, we’re confronted with millions and millions of pieces of information every single day. It’s exhausting and can drain your energy completely.
So the last thing you should do is expose yourself to even more information.
What I would like you to do is being more picky and intentional with the information you consume.
- Only follow people on social media that make you feel great, inspire you or make you grow. And unfollow everyone else!
- Choose the ones you learn from wisely. You don’t need 5 different courses about the same topic… Choose the one that you resonate most with and like their teaching style and stick to that.
- I’m definitely guilty of this one because I love experimenting with lots of different tools and software, but try to limit the different tools that you use in your biz. Using too many will just overcomplicate things and will slow you down.
- Only subscribe to newsletters that you actually enjoy reading. Unsubscribe to all other newsletters and email lists.
2. Centralize all your content and notes in the same place
I used to have so many different locations where I jot down some quick notes, ideas, important stuff I couldn’t forget, and all my content. And gosh, it was so overwhelming.
I was using a notebook, Evernote, Google Keep, Todoist, Asana, and my calendar all at once, and I often couldn’t remember where I had written something down.
So, what I have done in the past year or so, is centralizing EVERYTHING in a single place, which is Notion.
This blog post isn’t affiliated or anything, but tbh it has saved me a huge headache.
So definitely recommend centralizing all your content, ideas, and information in a single place for creating a minimalist business.
3. Organize a big digital declutter session
Another thing you can do to create a more minimalist business is to get rid of all the files that you no longer need on your laptop.
And try to organize all the files that you do need in an organized system with folders so that you can easily find everything back.
For example:
- A folder where you collect all your professional pictures that you use for your website and social media
- A folder where you store your logo in different formats
- A folder where you store all your Pinterest Pin designs
- A folder where you store all your different lead magnet files
- A folder where you store all your Instagram graphics
- …
Find a folder organization system that works for you, and st ick to it!
Bonus tip: make sure to sync your files and folders with Google Drive or Dropbox, so you have a backup.

4. Only use ONE task- and project management tool
I know there are a lot of different tools out there, there is Notion, Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Todoist, Evernote,… etc.
See which one works best for you and your business, in terms of user-friendliness, features, and price, and then stick to that one.
Avoid using different task- and project management tools simultaneously, as it will just overcomplicate things and will slow you down.
5. Audit your biz in order to create a minimalist business
The next step is to audit your business and to ask yourself objectively which parts of your business no longer bring you joy.
For example, are you offering some kind of services that drain your energy and no longer give you this excitement that you used to have?.
Brainstorms about ways to pivot your biz or outsource certain tasks, so you can focus on the things that do give you joy.
And I know, it isn’t easy sometimes. It might feel like you are disappointing people when deciding not to offer a certain service or product anymore.
I promise you, when you just let go of everything that no longer feels aligned, you will feel so relieved.
And there will be much more time and space for you to try out new stuff that does bring you joy and excitement, so don’t hold on to stuff that no longer serves you.
6. Be intentional about the content platforms you use
There pop up new hypes and trends ALL THE TIME.
Especially when it comes to content platforms, you can now do Reels, IG TV, Facebook Lives, there is Clubhouse, TikTok,…
The mistake that most business owners make is to try to do all the different things at once: using all these different platforms and trends, and don’t show up on a consistent basis on any of them.
I think it’s much more effective to ask yourself where your target audience hangs out, and which content platforms that you enjoy using, and choose only one or two platforms, especially if you are just starting out.
Do you like to create videos? Or do you like to take create cool graphics or beautiful pictures? Or do you love creating a community and chatting about different topics?
So what I want you to do is, choosing your content platforms more intentionally and don’t let yourself be tricked that you have to show up everywhere. Just because other people do, doesn’t mean that you have to as well.
Other people who are showing up consistently on all these different platforms often have a whole team that helps them, keep that in mind.
7. Don’t spread yourself too thin
A final tip that I would like to give you for creating a minimalist business (and one that I definitely have been struggling with) is being more intentional and picky about extra projects that you take on.
It isn’t easy to know when a project is truly a great opportunity that you have to jump on quickly or when it’s just a shiny object that will distract you.
I know that many productivity gurus say that we should focus on our one thing, one project until it’s finished before we can move on to the next one. And I used to think the same.
However, sometimes there are these opportunities that just aren’t going to be there anymore if you wait too long.
So I think the key here is to follow your gut feeling and find a good balance between knowing when the time is right to jump on this new project or when to just keep it on the back of your mind but sticking to the project you are already working on.
I really encourage you to embrace more minimalism in your life and your business. Your business shouldn’t be overwhelming!
Related Reads:
- How To Create An Aligned Business
- Finding Your Why: 3 Clarity Exercises You Need To Try
- The Subtle Art Of Slow Living

Let’s Chat!
Do you have a minimalist business? Or would you like to introduce more simplicity into your biz in the future? Let me know in the comments down below.
I’m in the process of planning to create my own small biz, and it’s true that it gets a little overwhelming. Thank you for these tips x I can’t wait to try all these!
One of my favorite topics. Simplicity is underrated. These are great tips! Thank you for sharing.
I wish things were simple for me. Currently downsizing. Great tips!
These are great and the one which REALLY resonates with me is the – “stop consuming so much shit”! 😂 It’s very easy to get sucked in to getting more and more and more information – and yes, whilst we should NEVER stop learning – we don’t need to drag ourselves into overwhelm by trying to read/watch EVERYTHING.
A cluttered space means a cluttered mind. I did a huge clean up of my space earlier this year and I genuinely feel lighter. I can come home with a sense of calm knowing my space is clean and organized.
Recently I have been trying to be selective with who I follow on social media. Its okay to not follow everyone back and if you have to you can mute some people if you feel like they are being to negative.
Great post. As a blogger and VA with multiple clients, I could take a few pointers from you. Digital clutter struggle is a real thing! Thanks for the inspiration to simplify.
This is lovely, I feel like minimalism is just what we all need right now, business and personal.