There is something really therapeutic about writing down your thoughts. It’s a fantastic way to clear your mind and put ideas into perspective. You find yourself becoming a better thinker with a high sense of clarity.
Unlike a diary, where you jot down events in your life, journaling helps us to focus on the present, reflect and self-actualize on ourselves. Often times we get too caught up in reacting to situations that don’t benefit our well-being.
When thoughts are going crazy in your head, they always seem worse than when you see them written down, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because, in our minds, we’ve already assumed the worse that could happen rather than if we just analyzed the situation.
We are too afraid to face them head-on and think they’ll pass if we don’t indulge in them.
Most of you might think, “Can journaling help my self-improvement journey?”
Absolutely! If you’re diligent enough to capture your thoughts and be honest with yourself, there’s a greater chance for growth.
Remember, developing any habit, including journaling, is a journey, not an end goal. It’s about focusing and working towards an improved version of yourself every day.
So that’s why in this blog post, I wanted to talk about some great journaling prompts and exercises that can help with self-improvement and growth.
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When it comes to journaling, there is no ‘right’ way to do it. It just needs to have a proper structure that benefits you the best.
However, if you need an idea that’s catered more towards improving your life, organizing thoughts, and visualization, you may want to look at some of the ideas below:
1. Letter To Your Future Self
This journaling technique is amazing because it helps you realize and notice your evolution as a person and how much you have grown and changed the way you think.
You see, we often may not get the things we want in life. And that can sometimes be a good thing. There is always usually something unique in store for us.
It also makes you want to become the person you desire to be. Although maybe not in its entirety, we usually end up in a better position than anticipated.
Talk about how your life is today, intending to read this back months or years later.
- What’s on your mind?
- What worries you the most?
- What mindset blocks and limiting beliefs are you struggling with?
- What’s going very well in your life currently?
- What special events you’re looking forward to the most?
- What are your wishes and hopes for the future?
There’s something magical about reading it back years later and noticing how all these situations you talked about evolved and changed. You might find yourself in a whole new scenario currently.
Or, you might have written what you’ve always desired in your life and managed to achieve it. You’ve manifested those dreams into reality, and look forward to your next adventure!
2. Letter To Your Inner Child
Writing a letter to your inner child is another great exercise because it involves addressing emotions and experiences from your childhood. It’s about recognizing how you felt back then and telling her what she needed to hear.
Many of us may still hold grudges and reminisce about the past. We hold on to things as a way to escape from the present and reenact those very behaviors we had as a child.
If you take a trip back memory lane as a child, you may not have been appreciated enough for your efforts. For instance, you made a drawing to show to your parents, and they just scoffed it off, telling you to do better.
Or you couldn’t score straight A’s in the exams and were scolded rather than encouraged to try better next time.
Often when needs are not met, it’s typical for a child to react with uncontrollable emotions and have feelings of discomfort. And these behaviors are then carried over till adulthood.
To avoid such painful situations, some of us may find unhealthy ways and indulge in things like parties, scrolling social media for hours, shopping, or drugs.
So how do you heal?
Well, once you’ve identified those feelings buried deep within and made a list of them, talk to your inner child with compassion and affirm that it’s going to be ok. Write a letter to him/her that it’s normal to have those thoughts and feelings, and they’re never going to get the best of you.
3. Anti Vision
Regarding self-improvement, you’ve probably heard the importance of creating a vision board, journaling, and many other activities that experts usually recommend. Even though we figure out what we want to achieve, there are times when we don’t follow through.
Things will start to feel dull, and we often feel demotivated. That spark of excitement that we once had gets lost in the process.
So how do you reignite that fire to keep pushing through? This is where writing an anti vision can help us get back on track. (Check out this video by Michelle!)
This journaling activity is writing down the worst version of your life. Mention the things you are most afraid of becoming. As depressing as it sounds, it’s a great practice to give you the motivation and drive to take action.
The aim is to write down actions that could make your life unhappy or unsatisfied. For example;
“I haven’t been to the gym in a long time and feel weak every day.”
“I spend my time on mundane tasks rather than creative work.”
“I am yet to achieve my target income.”
All the things you mention are usually significant indicators of what you want to prioritize currently. When creating your anti vision, it’s great to look at areas in your life that need improvement.
Once you’re done writing down in great detail (It’s ok to feel bad), write down all the ways to prevent all of these possible future outcomes from coming to life.
You’ll be surprised how your brain subconsciously finds ways to ensure they don’t become a reality.
4. Gratitude Journaling
How many of us are so caught up thinking about the mistakes or grudges that we take good things in life for granted? Sometimes we’re thankful only when good comes our way.
Expressing gratitude helps us stay grounded, motivated and happier even through tough times. It’s also a proven practice backed by successful entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and even science.
Studies offer insights that practicing gratitude journaling can increase happiness, reduce stress and increase optimism.
But why do most of us don’t bother doing it?
For some, it can be too hard and may do more harm than good. One of the reasons is that gratitude just doesn’t come easy. We tend to focus only on the positives and neglect the negatives thinking being always in a good mood will diminish all the bad stuff.
For example, if you have anger or hate building up inside you and repress it through consuming food, feelings of resentment, or just journaling the events, it can lead to more anger.
The power of gratitude journaling is genuinely expressing your feelings by digging through all those memories and bringing them to the surface. And then, write down how grateful you are for the things in your life.
So take time from your day, even if it’s just 5 minutes, and develop a regular habit of gratitude journaling.
5. Script Manifestation
We all know the importance of writing down our visions with hopes of manifesting them in the future. But what if you can write down a life you always desired in such a way that it becomes a reality? As wishy-washy as it sounds, it is possible.
Script manifestation journal is a practice I am obsessed with, and I do it every so often. It is to write your desired life story in minute detail as if you’re currently living it. So imagine being your future self.
A step further is not only to write your end destination but also your journey of how you got there. The journey is to be written in the past tense as if you’ve lived it with step-by-step details on how you’ve been able to manifest the desired life.
Think of this practice as your blueprint for your future self. You feel empowered because you know exactly what your life would look like. You also start to anticipate obstacles and understand how they’ll turn out.
So, where do you start? You could be imagining yourself:
- Living in your dream home
- The person you’re with
- Your daily routine
- Your hobbies
- Your children
- Your financial situation.
Before you try this out, ask yourself wholeheartedly what you want your life to be. Make sure you focus on the positive outcomes, feelings, gratitude, happiness, etc. Setbacks are bound to happen, but why put focus on them?
I hope you find these journaling ideas helpful and can try and apply them to your daily routine.
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Do you guys enjoy journaling as part of your self-improvement journey? Let me know in the comments.
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